Ecosystem Services Raritan, New Jersey

Ecosystem Services Raritan, New Jersey

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Ecosystem Services Raritan, New Jersey

Balancing Development & Fragile Watershed Ecosystems

We prepared “best practice” sustainable design prototypes for the New Jersey Water Supply Authority that illustrates how to balance watershed protection, economic development and stronger physical connections within the Somerset Regional Center. These goals are promoted at the development site level to reduce the amount of impervious cover, to increase the natural lands set aside for conservation, and to use pervious areas for more effective storm water treatment, all while improving local economic opportunity.

The final documents include design scenarios, illustrated guidelines, and site uses to provide a model for future watershed protection and economic growth opportunities in the Raritan watershed areas and beyond to the entire state of New Jersey.

Green Infrastructure

Peer Review for Sustainable Design “Best Practices” High Performance Infrastructure Guidelines, NYC. Department of Design and Construction & Design Trust for Public Space, 2004.

Urban Design Planning + Development Green Guidelines

  • Watershed protection.
  • Storm-water treatment & capture.
  • Bike-ped access.
  • Permeable pavements.
  • Urban heat island mitigation.


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