New Carter City Master Plan Development

New Carter City Master Plan Development

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New Carter City Master Plan Development


We were selected for master planning and design for the new Crater city on 2,000,000 m2 total area with approximate population of about 250,000 persons.

The work included two districts:

North District: located in the north and the middle of city: total area 11482433 m2, 252 m above sea level, divided into 4 sectors, with residential area about 506936 m 2 area of center is 44281,3 m2. South District: located in the south on irregular topographical land above AL-Aidaroos hill: total area 513189 m2, 220 m above sea level, divided into 1 sector, with residential area about 162500 m2, area of center is 23945,7 m2.

Services Provided:

Complete conceptual, preliminary, detailed architectural design, preparation of tender documents, and services for infrastructure and buildings including landscaping, preparation of roads utilization plan for urban traffic, Roads network , parking, general concept for construction, authorization planning & preparation of the executive planning and expansion of sewage treatment plant, water supply, storage storm water drainage, electrical network and external lighting system, feasibility study for assessing economic and financial.


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