Water Management

Water Management for Global Green Solutions

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Water Management by Global Green Solutions

Water is a fundamental resource essential for all forms of life on Earth. Fresh, clean drinking water is crucial not only for human survival but also for maintaining the health of ecosystems. While access to safe drinking water has significantly improved globally over the past decades, it is projected that by 2025, more than half of the world’s population will face water shortage challenges. Addressing these issues requires innovative solutions and robust management strategies to ensure sustainable water supply and sanitation services.

Our Expertise and Experience

Over the past decade, our firm has gained extensive experience in water management services, enhancing our reputation and expanding our capabilities. Our diverse technical and support teams are dedicated to delivering comprehensive water management services, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality and effectiveness.

Notable Projects

  1. New Mukalla City Water Supply and Sanitation Project: Implementing advanced water supply and sanitation systems to meet the growing needs of the city.
  2. Yemen Urban Water Supply OBA: Enhancing urban water supply infrastructure to provide reliable access to clean water.
  3. Ja’ar Zinjbar Design Water and Sanitation Project: Designing efficient water and sanitation systems for urban areas.
  4. New Crater City Project: Developing sustainable water and sanitation solutions for new urban developments.

Services Provided

  • Master Planning: Developing comprehensive plans to ensure 24/7 water supply and safe drinking water for all.
  • Waste Water Treatment and Sanitation: Implementing advanced wastewater treatment technologies to promote sanitation and environmental health.

Canal Restoration

The Canal Restoration Methodology aims to protect canal embankments, reduce water contamination, and promote urban greening, ecological balance, and environmental sustainability. Our approach utilizes sustainable technologies to restore contaminated canals, water bodies, and river embankments.

Sustainable Technologies

We employ materials and methodologies that are environmentally friendly and sustainable:

  • Jute and Coir Geotextile: Natural materials used for soil stabilization and erosion control.
  • Jute/Coir Biomass and Sustainable Plants: Utilizing natural biomass and plant species for ecological restoration.
  • Bamboo and Beneficial Microbes: Implementing bio-remediation, phyto-remediation, and bio-engineering techniques using beneficial microbes and bamboo.

Planning, Developing, and Distribution of Recycled & NE Water

Our services encompass a wide range of activities aimed at promoting sustainable water use and management:

Main Scope of Services

  • Feasibility Studies: Conducting thorough assessments to determine the viability of water management projects.
  • Site Analysis and Master Plan Development: Creating detailed plans for urban regeneration, infrastructure development, and sustainable water distribution.
  • Environmental Services and Permitting: Ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and obtaining necessary permits.
  • Construction and Project Management: Overseeing the construction and implementation of water management projects, ensuring quality and efficiency.

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